Menstrual Cycle Phases and Weight Loss: How To Ensure It Won’t Cramp Your Efforts
Many women experience uncomfortable and frustrating changes to their body with every monthly cycle.
Among these discomforts are hormonal and behavioral fluctuations that can make weight loss even more challenging than it already is.
But losing weight, even when on your period, is possible.
This article takes a look at how your menstrual cycle impacts the hormones that influence your body weight, and how premenopausal women can still achieve their weight loss goals.
But first, let’s review some menstrual cycle basics.
[Discover More…]The 3-Day Military Diet: Should You Join the Ranks?
The 3-Day Military Diet has been a popular weight loss diet for many years.
This diet website claims that the plan is “one of the best diets out there for fast weight loss without supplements or pills”.
So, does The 3-Day Military Diet deliver on those promises? Let’s take a look.
[Discover More…]What Are Prebiotics? A Detailed Look At Prebiotic Foods and Fiber
You may have heard of probiotics, but do you know about prebiotics?
Despite the similarity in names, there are some key differences.
While probiotics rightfully get a lot of praise from health experts, prebiotics are important as well.
So, what are prebiotics, and how can you get more of them?
Keep reading to learn more about the power of prebiotics.
[Discover More…]Fecal Impaction: How To Come Unstuck From an Impacted Bowel
[Last updated 7th of March, 2023]
Fecal impaction is fairly common, particularly in older adults and people who are bedridden.
In fact, one study found that 42% of seniors in a geriatric ward had experienced it (1).
It’s not usually a big deal once its resolved, but untreated impaction can result in very serious medical complications. It can also increase the risk of future impactions.
So what is fecal impaction, and can it be treated at home? Let’s take a look at the evidence.
[Discover More…]Can You Treat H. Pylori Naturally? A Look At Tests, Symptoms and Proven Treatments
[Last Updated 5th October, 2019]
H. pylori is a very common bacteria.
Many people have it and don’t even realize it. However, it’s sometimes difficult to treat and can cause serious health problems in some cases.
Certain foods and supplements have been reported to fight H. pylori alone and in combination with standard medical treatments.
This article explores how well diet and other natural treatments work against H. pylori.
[Discover More…]IGF-1: Miracle Hormone or Health Hazard?
Could a hormone produced in the body be the key to weight loss, increased muscle mass, health and longevity?
Some believe this could be the case with IGF-1, but others argue that supplementing with it comes with several harmful side effects.
This article explains what IGF-1 is, how it might affect our health, and whether supplementing with it is a good idea.
[Discover More…]Endometriosis and Diet: What You Can Do About It In 2019
Endometriosis is a painful condition that can greatly impact your quality of life.
Diet changes are said to help relieve symptoms, but does the evidence support these claims?
This article explores the role of diet in endometriosis treatment.
[Discover More…]L-Glutamine Supplements: A Sales-Free Look
In recent years, L-Glutamine has become a popular dietary supplement.
It’s claimed that L-glutamine helps with a wide range of medical conditions, from the common cold to serious chronic illnesses.
But does science support its use as a supplement? Read on for a sales-free look at the facts on L-glutamine.
[Discover More…]Why Do I Fart So Much!? Genius Ways To Curb Excessive Bloat and Gas
Everyone farts.
For some, however, excessive gas can be embarrassing or uncomfortable.
This article explores why some people fart so much and how to reduce excessive gas.
[Discover More…]What Is Betaine HCl And Does It Help With Digestion?
Betaine HCl is a supplement linked with many health claims.
In particular, improving poor digestion from low stomach acid.
But are these claims backed by science? Is it safe and effective?
This article explores the current evidence for betaine HCl supplementation.
[Discover More…]Psoriasis Treatment: Does Your Diet Matter?
Psoriasis is complex to treat.
In fact, Physician Paul Bechet once said it’s “the antidote to a dermatologist’s ego” (1).
It’s an autoimmune disease that causes chronic pain and itching that can severely impact on quality of life.
Many foods and supplements are rumored to help with psoriasis treatment. But does research support these claims?
This article examines the evidence surrounding the relationship between diet and psoriasis.
[Discover More…]Are Nightshade Vegetables Bad for You? An Evidence-Based Look
Many argue that nightshade vegetables causes various health issues.
But are they actually unhealthy to eat?
This article explores the current research.
[Discover More…]