Many people use weight loss pills to get quick results.
The design of most is to reduce appetite and burn fat. Some types limit the body’s absorption of nutrients too, such as fat.
Lipozene is one of the popular ones, but does it actually work? This article reviews the current evidence.
What is Lipozene?

Lipozene is a popular weight loss pill.
It’s mainly made up of a type of soluble fiber called glucomannan, which is derived from the root of the konjac plant.
Glucomannan is also found in supplement form and in Japanese shirataki noodles.
Lipozene Ingredients
Active Ingredients
- Glucomannan from the konjac plant
Inactive Ingredients
- gelatin
- magnesium silicate
- and stearic acid.
Summary: Lipozene is a weight loss pill containing glucomannan, a type of soluble fiber found naturally in the roots of konjac plants.
How Does Lipozene Work?
Like all soluble fiber, glucomannan absorbs water and forms a gel within the digestive system.
This process allows for food to leave the stomach more slowly.

However, glucomannan is special because it can absorb even more water than average. Because of this, Lipozene is said to expand up to 200 times its size (1).
The pill is meant to act in several ways to reduce weight:
- It gives you a feeling of fullness by slowing down digestion and keeping you fuller for longer.
- It’s low in calories, and helps to reduce your daily caloric intake.
- It provides fuel for good gut bacteria, which has been shown to reduce obesity risk (2).
Each capsule contains 1.5 grams of glucomannan. It’s recommended one to two capsules be taken three times a day and 30 minutes before each meal with a cup of water.
With this dose, the intake of glucomannan reaches 4.5 grams per day. This goes toward the recommended intake of fiber for adults (30 grams per day), including 6 to 8 grams of soluble fiber.
Summary: The soluble fiber within Lipozene absorbs water and forms a gel during digestion. This helps keep you fuller for longer and should also support good gut health.
Does It Really Work For Weight Loss?

Research has only focused on glucomannan and not Lipozene itself.
Now theoretically it should help, but the evidence is very inconsistent.
Scientific reviews have found that glucomannan has beneficial impacts on body weight (3, 4, 5).
One specific study found that 20 obese subjects lost an average of 2.5 kilograms (5.5 pounds) over 8 weeks with 1-gram doses three times daily. Subjects had been instructed not to change eating and exercise patterns (6).
In a bigger study of 176 overweight adults, glucomannan in combination with a balanced 1200-calorie diet lead to a weight loss of about 1.3 kg (2.9 pounds) over 5 weeks, compared to a placebo (dummy pills) (7).
Keep in mind that a 1200 calorie diet will lead to weight loss, regardless of glucomannan or not.
The issue is that not all research found it useful for weight loss.
Two recent reviews of 14 previous trials concluded that glucomannan does not produce significant weight loss (8, 9).
And this eight-week study of overweight and moderately obese adults found that glucomannan didn’t promote weight loss when compared to placebo (fake) capsules (10).
On top of that, researchers have reported that the potential weight loss effects of glucomannan fade within six months (11).
So based on current evidence, it appears that glucomannan – and therefore Lipozene – may only promote weight loss taken alongside calorie restriction, and only in the short-term. A calorie restriction without glucomannan will likely result in the same weight loss.
Summary: Glucomannan may help with weight loss to a small extent, but only alongside a calorie-restricted diet and only in the short term.
What Are Lipozene’s Side Effects?

A dramatic change in fiber intake can lead to gastrointestinal symptoms, including.
Because Lipozene is a fiber supplement, large doses could have these same side effects.
Also, because of its super absorptive ability, blockages in the digestive tract can occur (13).
This is why the manufacturer recommends taking Lipozene with 230 ml (7.8 ounces) of water. Plenty of fluid should be consumed throughout the day as well.
Some medications taken orally interact with Lipozene. As a result, medications may not be as effective because the gel that forms blocks absorption.
In fact, medications should not be taken at the same time. Instead, take medications at least one hour before Lipozene.
Always consult your doctor before starting any new supplement.
Summary: A high dosage of Lipozene can cause digestive discomfort and symptoms. Medications may not be as effective when taken at the same time as Lipozene.
Does Lipozene Have Other Health Benefits?

Lipozene may have some other benefits due to its soluble fiber content.
This study found that when taken at 3 grams per day, it may improve (14):
- Constipation
- Blood sugar control
- Cholesterol levels
- Gut health
- Risk of heart disease and type 2-diabetes.
Lipozene vs High Fiber Foods
The fiber (glucomannan) in Lipozene is responsible for its health effects and possible weight loss benefits.
However, it’s actually a mediocre source of fiber compared to high fiber whole foods.
In fact, to meet the 30 gram per day recommended intake, fiber needs to come from your diet.
Three Lipozene capsules contain 4.5 grams of soluble. You can get the same or more from:
- Blackberries, ¾ cup (4.7 grams)
- Oranges, 2 medium (5.2 grams)
- Mangoes, 1 ½ small (5.1 grams)
- Green artichoke, 1 medium (4.7 grams)
- Sweet potato, 1 ½ cups (4.2 grams)
- Brussel sprouts, 1 1/2 cups (5 grams)
- Carrot, 2 cups (4.4 grams)
- Baked beans, ¾ cup (4.5 grams)
- Kidney beans (cooked), ¾ cup (4.5 grams)
- Rolled oats (cooked), 2 ½ cups (3.9 grams)
- Wholegrain cereal (e.g. 100% bran), 1 cup (4.2 grams)
- Brown rice (cooked), 2 cups (5.2 grams)

Summary: By eating a variety of foods high in soluble fiber (listed above) you can certainly meet the daily-recommended intake of soluble fiber (6-8 grams) without taking Lipozene.
Lipozene Customer Reviews
Lipozene is manufactured and sold under a company called Obesity Research Institute.
There are several Lipozene products on the market, which differ by name and the presence or absence of other natural ingredients.
But what do customers have to say about these products?
The top products available on Amazon have been discussed below.
Maximum Strength Lipozene
Rating: 3.5 stars.
30 capsules at 1500mg per dose.
Some people claimed they achieved weight loss. Others reported side effects such as dizziness and headaches, and therefore ceased consumption.
Lipozene Green All Natural
Rating: 2.5 stars.
30 capsules at 1500mg per dose.
Many insisted that Lipozene helped to control their hunger; meaning they ate less during meals, and overtime lost weight.
Others stated it didn’t work at all.
Importantly, an individual with Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) found that the pill only triggered and worsened their symptoms.
Lipozene Plus Garcinia Cambogia Extract And Forskolin
Rating: 3.5 stars.
90 capsules at 1500mg (proprietary blend) per dose.
Numerous people insisted that other customers consume plenty of water and avoid greasy foods due to increased bowel movements (the need to use a bathroom).
Also, people stated that they felt extremely uncomfortable in the stomach, full and bloated.
However, some customers indicated they lost weight with Lipozene alongside a healthy diet.
Summary: Customer reviews are on opposing ends of the scale, with some stating it leads to weight loss by reducing hunger. Others report no results whatsoever, with stomach discomfort, bloating and dizziness.
Lipozene Review: Should You Try It?
The main active ingredient in Lipozene is glucomannan.
Based on glucomannan research (there is none on Lipozene itself), adding it to your diet may help with weight loss in the short term, and only in combination with a restricted diet.
This makes sense because any diet that reduces your calorie intake will lead to weight loss. Additionally, a high fiber intake appears to be protective against obesity, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
However, the amount of fiber in Lipozene is really small compared with simply eating more high fiber foods. Things like whole fruits, vegetables, legumes, beans and wholegrains contain far more fiber and are more beneficial to your health as they include other important nutrients.
Just like Leptigen, Thrive patches, Forskolin pills and weight loss teas, Lipozene is not a magical weight loss solution.