1. Gut Directed Therapy: An Introduction To What It Is and Why It Works
This lesson explores the role of stress and anxiety in gut issues with a series of videos I did with Gut-Directed Therapist Michelle White.
For the majority of us, symptoms are exacerbated by aspects of our lifestyle other than diet.
Note: In the video I mention that Diet vs Disease will cover the cost of Michelle’s Happy Inside app for members, however we have since moved over to the NERVA app. More on NERVA in Module 3!
2. How Your External Environment Reflects Your Internal One
In this video we explore the relationship between your external and internal “environment”.
3. How Scanning and Scrolling Affects Your Brain, Mood & Willpower
In this video we explore how our phone usage influences the brain.
4. Why Do We Sabotage Ourselves When Doing Well?
In this video we explore:
– SABOTAGE: when we actively or passively take steps to prevent ourselves from reaching goals.
– GOALS: Goals are more meaningful when strong desire and feelings are attached to them rather than just rational thought.
– Self worth: Do you believe you deserve to feel good or to reap the rewards of the efforts?
– Old patterns are more familiar. Familiarity brings comfort and ease, we feel best in this state.
– New behaviours require forging new neural pathways. This is often hard and can give rise to difficult feelings and thoughts that make it easy to give up. Old behaviours are powerfully charged by the neural pathways so they have more pull to bring you back to them. Remembering the objective is critical.
5. How Unresolved Emotions Affect Our Gut
In this video with Michelle we discuss how our emotions, particularly stress and anxiety, directly impact our gut health and digestion.
6. Is It Mind or Body Anxiety Causing Gut Issues?
Here is what we discuss in this video:
– The 2 different sources of anxiety
– Mind based anxiety
– Body based anxiety
– What meditation will and won’t help
– The role of diet/gut in anxiety
– The role of the nervous system in anxiety
– What you can do for anxiety
7. Your Body Is Highly Responsive To The Environment YOU Create For It
Could your digestive symptoms be a result of your environment?
And not just your physical environment, but your digital environment as well?
8. Are Digestive Symptoms Causing You To Panic
Here’s the thing, when you experience symptoms, the tendency is to EXCLUDE the body (ignore, dismiss, resist), to get away from it rather than include the body in the resolution.
Connecting rather than disconnecting from symptoms is critical to their resolution when we are talking about IBS and related issues.
9. Meditation and gut directed therapy apps
Did you know that at least 50% of people with IBS find their symptoms improved through the use of gut directed hypnotherapy? Meditation and gut directed therapy is evidence based for digestive symptoms! If you have found the mindset pieces from Module 1 & 2 to be useful then you can do more. Not only do Module 7 and Module 8 offer far more beneficial work, you also have a free 12 month subscription to the gut directed therapy app NERVA included in your membership, just ask your Dietitian or CSM to give you a license and they will arrange it for you.
Find out more information here about NERVA and its benefits
Click here to download for iPhone/iPad
Click here to download for Android
Insight Timer Meditation App
Insight Timer is a free meditation app that some of our clients love to use. It contains a variety of different topics, narrators/voices and styles of meditation. In the video below, Julie Gold provides a tutorial on how to use the app.
Click here to download for iPhone/iPad
Click here to download for Android