Clients Only: Module 7: Mindset Is The Key

This module contains the condensed knowledge of our mindset coaches and includes information and techniques to help you raise your awareness of your patterns of thought and how to beat them.

Addressing your mindset, along side changing your diet, will help you to master your digestive issues long term because for most clients, stress IS a factor in their digestive issues whether they realise it or not.

These modules are integral to the program and need to be completed alongside dietary changes. Please complete all the homework if you would like to attend 1:1 sessions with Jay or Julie, our mindset coaches.

If you commit to implementing the learnings of these lessons you will unlock insights into yourself and how to re-write your story.

1. What Is Mindset Coaching?

One of the main reasons DietvsDisease has such a high success rate with clients is our holistic approach to body AND mind.

A lot of people who join the program initially do not understand the benefits they will gain from working on mindset. However we can tell you that clients get a lot out of this work. Please be curious and see if any of the lessons and work below is helpful. If you complete the work and find it helpful, you can then book to talk with one of our mindset coaches (Premium clients).

If you already know that stress, anxiety, trauma or other mental health issues form part of your digestive health issues then we would like you to work through all the lessons and homework set out in this module. You can submit the work to so that it can be attached to your file for review by our mindset coaches. Once you have completed this work and if you feel you still want it, you can then book your first mindset call. This bar to entry is not designed to hold you back, but to empower you to do the basics that will help you move forward in therapy or coaching.

The time you spend working on your mindset will be well invested.

“Mental health problems don’t define who you are. They are something you experience. You walk in the rain and you feel the rain, but you are not the rain.” ~ Matt Haig

2. Live Mindset Calls

Every week our mindset coaches host a live mindset and motivation call for all members of the Diet vs Disease community. They cover varied topics and answers your questions on anything you want to talk about that impacts you mentally and physically.

We have hundreds of mindset recordings in our Facebook group that are available for replay any time (see the group here or check out the clickable document below).

You are welcome to attend the mindset calls live, just check the details in the events tab of the group by clicking here.

Jay Hayes

Mindset & Motivation Call (Jay) (bi-weekly)
Monday: 5pm Pacific, 6pm Mountain, 7pm Central, 8pm Eastern.
Tuesday: 11am Brisbane, 12pm Sydney/Melbourne, 2pm New Zealand (2am UK).
Use this link:

Julie Gold

Opposite week to Jay

Mindset & Motivation Call (Julie) (bi-weekly)
Wednesday: 12pm Pacific, 1pm Mountain, 2pm Central, 3pm Eastern, UK 8pm, Europe 9pm
Thursday: 6am Brisbane, 7am Sydney/Melbourne, 9am New Zealand
Use this link:

Anastasia Shkretova

Every second Thursday

Mindset Q&A: Gentle Body Movement Class with Anastasia (bi-weekly)
Thursday: 11am PST, 12pm MST, 1pm CST, 2pm EST, 7pm UK, 8pm Europe
Friday: 6am Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, 8am NZ
Use this link:


The document below provides links and timestamps to all of the mindset and motivation calls that Jay Hayes has recorded in the Facebook group (will be updated regularly).
The links are clickable and will open up to the call in your Facebook app (smartphone/tablet) or in a webpage (Chrome/Safari/MS Edge etc).

Click here for Jay’s mindset call archive PDF

3. Fixed vs Growth Mindset

Do you have a fixed or a growth mindset? In this video, Julie talks about how your mindset influences how you feel and behave and therefore your success in all areas of your life.

Work sheet

Please complete the work sheet below as part of your Diet vs Disease journey.

Click here to complete the online worksheet

This will save your work to your file in our systems (just make sure you enter the email address you signed up with)

If you prefer to print and write out your answers, download the work sheet via the link below, then email it back to

Diet vs Disease Mindset work sheet


If you prefer to read a transcript rather than watching the video, you can download a PDF via the link below.

Module 7 Mindset Transcript PDF

Additional resource

TED talk by Carol Dweck –

4. Self-care & Emotional Hygiene

In this video, Jay covers emotional hygiene and strategies you can use to develop better awareness of and maintenance of good emotional hygiene.

What Jay covers:

  • Emotional & psychological pain vs physical pain
  • Emotional problems require active responses
  • Feeling good? Collage some resources!
  • Awareness around emotional bleeding
  • Reflection vs ruminating
  • Staying present
  • Mindfulness activities

Identifying and Validating Emotions

This video is a tutorial on how to use the emotions wheel to help identify and validate the emotions you feel.


Feelings wheel

What is Mindfulness

Learning to Relax

How to Practice Mindfulness Meditation

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

5. Soft Belly Breathing – Vagal Toning Meditation

As you learn to recognise and validate emotions, you may find that your emotions run higher or lower than usual, and that you feel emotions more fully than previously.

Emotions like stress, anger, anxiety and worry activate the vagus nerve which connects the brain with the stomach and intestines, increasing the likelihood of digestive symptoms. The meditation below can be useful when you feel stress/anxiety in the body and can help to bring you back to the rest and digest (relaxed) state.


6. Self Compassion

In this video Julie covers everything you need to know about self-compassion and why it should be at the top of your list when implementing any sort of change.

Work sheet

DietvsDisease Self-compassion work sheet

Please complete and submit the self compassion worksheet as part of your mindset work on the DietvsDisease program. We will upload the sheet to your file (just email to:


If you prefer to read a transcript rather than watching the video, you can download a PDF via the link below.

Diet vs Disease Self-compassion Transcript PDF

Additional Resources

If you have loved doing the work so far, then you are welcome to try out some of the additional resources below.

Self compassion:

Radical acceptance:

Non-judgement (YouTube video):

Cognitive defusion PDF

Values Activity PDF

Self-Care Vision Board

Taking Care of Myself Activity

7. Boundaries

In this video, Julie walks you through everything you need to know about boundaries and their importance for your well being and relationships.

Work sheet

Diet vs Disease Boundaries work sheet

Please complete and submit the self compassion worksheet as part of your mindset work on the DietvsDisease program. We will upload the sheet to your file (just email to:


If you prefer to read a transcript rather than watching the video, you can download via the link below.

Module 7 Boundaries Transcript PDF

8. Communication Styles and Effective Communication

In this video Julie walks you through what communication styles are and the benefits of effective communication.

Work sheet

Effective Communication work sheet

Please complete and submit the self compassion worksheet as part of your mindset work on the DietvsDisease program. We will upload the sheet to your file (just email to:


If you prefer to read the transcript instead of watching the video above, please download the PDF below.

Effective Communication transcript PDF

Additional resources

9. Cognitive Distortions

In this video, Jay covers everything you need to know about cognitive distortions and the impact they have on your well-being.


Unhelpful Thinking Styles

Increasing Awareness of Cognitive Distortions

Work sheets

Anxiety Distortions work sheet

Prompts for Challenging Negative Thinking work sheet

10. Worry

Most people worry, but many of us worry more than is helpful. In this video, Jay walks through what worry is, why we worry and how to approach worry in a healthy way.


Worry Decision Tree

Worry Postponement

Play The Script Until The End

11. Uncertainty

Living with uncertainty can be hard and can be something that feeds anxiety and worry. In this lesson, Julie covers what you need to know about leaning into uncertainty and methods you can use to get better at accepting and living with it.


Intolerance of Uncertainty

Embracing Uncertainty


If you prefer to read the transcript instead of watching the video above, please download the PDF below.

Diet vs Disease Uncertainty Transcript PDF

12. Sleep & Sleep Hygiene

In this video, Julie explores why sleep and sleep hygiene are so important for your overall health.

Work sheet

Diet vs Disease Sleep Hygiene work sheet

Please complete and submit the self compassion worksheet as part of your mindset work on the DietvsDisease program. We will upload the sheet to your file (just email to:


If you prefer to read the transcript instead of watching the video above, please download the PDF below.

Diet vs Disease Sleep Transcript PDF


If you enjoy meditation practice, try this Yoga Nidra meditation to aid a restful sleep.


Booking your 1:1 mindset call

Well done! If you have made it down here then hopefully you have completed all the work from the lessons above.

Please submit each piece via email to: so your work can be attached to your file and reviewed by your mindset coach.

If you are on a Premium program, you can now book a call with Jay or Julie via your Dietitian.

If you are on the Foundation program and would like to book a 1:1 session with a mindset coach, please contact Tim Matthews who can provide you with your options to add 1:1 mindset coaching on to your program.