How To Get Rid of Bloating: 9 Strategies Backed By Science

Stomach bloating after meals can be incredibly uncomfortable. Research shows that 10 to 25% of healthy people experience it to some degree, yet most don’t do anything about it (1). It’s even more common among those with gastrointestinal disorders, such as IBS. Fortunately, diet changes alone can help to relieve or prevent most cases. This article explores what is scientifically shown to help stop bloating. What Causes Stomach Bloating? Stomach bloating is characterised by a strong feeling of pressure within the abdomen. The term is often used interchangeably with dyspepsia (indigestion), stomach distention or water retention. These are separate issues, but they may occur at the same time as bloating. It’s common in gastrointestinal disorders, especially irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). However, it also occurs in the absence of other medical conditions (2). A comprehensive list of the proposed causes of bloating. … Continue reading How To Get Rid of Bloating: 9 Strategies Backed By Science